My Girls :)

My Girls :)
Love and Light!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Afterlife

It's been awhile, but I'd like to share some truths about the afterlife. This is all information I have picked up through my work as a spirit medium. I receive many questions about the afterlife on a consistent basis. I can't possibly answer them all in this context, but I can touch on a few points of truth. Much of what I share will resonate, but I am sure this information will also cause more questions to arise. We are a curious species that is for sure! Just ask the lady that recently made the decision to climb the wall at a zoo so that she could swim with the polar bears!! *Insert palm to face*
The Afterlife, Heaven, THE OTHER SIDE! Guess what? It's not up there. It's not in the sky. It is everywhere. We often see people point up to the sky when referencing "heaven". Maybe this is because Christians believe that Jesus rose to the heavens, which I am not arguing, but I am saying that he could have shifted sideways and still crossed over into the afterlife. He could have rose up, veered to the left for awhile and then zigzagged a bit until he hit a portal that took him to the other side. In other words there are NO limitations or boundaries placed upon our spirit when we die. On the earth plane, in our human body form we have a plethora of physical limits, but the moment we die and cross over, those limits no longer exist. Magic!
We all go to the afterlife, HOME, the white light, the great beyond. Yep. Every body under heaven (or side of heaven) goes to the hereafter. If you choose of course. #freewill
EVEN THE BAD GUYS?? Yes, even the bad guys. Often the bad guys won't go to the light because they fear persecution on the other side by their idea of God.
Regardless of what you've been taught, no soul is sent to the spiritual realms of a fiery hell. In the nearly 2 decades of doing both one on one readings as well as group sessions, there has never been mention or any recognizable signs of a hell. If it exists I've yet to have it conveyed to me by spirit. The lack of shared stories (by those in spirit) about a "hell" certainly goes against what many religions teach their followers. In my metaphysical opinion, instilled fear is a means of control. The thought of sitting in a fiery pit with a host of demons is pretty damn frightening. The bottom line is that hell is a scary idea which is exactly why it was created and presented in the first place. It has been a tool to control the masses through the use of fear, and you are part of the masses. I am part of the masses. You do not have to be a sheep though, you can be a cow or just be you. Believe what speaks to you, not what you are told to believe. It is really that simple. Right now I'm sharing information with you that allows you to be free from the fear that you will die and then possibly (based on your choices) be sent to some sort of eternal torture! It's not happening yo! Let it go!
 If there are various levels of consciousness on the other side among the souls that incarnate into human form, no one has showed me. I am not saying they can't exist, but no spirit has shared this with me. I am referring to the idea of a numbered sequence of levels such as 1, 2, 3, and so on in regards to a hierarchy of soul progression. In soul form we aren't competitive or better than if you will anyone else, we are all source energy made up of light and love. PERIOD.
Reincarnation (Past Lives) is real. We all reincarnate, if we choose. Please notice a trend in the ability to always utilize your free will. Most of us choose to incarnate time and time again with our soul groups and soul family until either we choose to stop for whatever reason or we hit a point where it is no longer necessary. In a sense we can outgrow earthly life, many call this ascension in various spiritual or metaphysical communities.
 At the time of physical death our body dies, but not our spirit. You can't kill energy, it will transmute, but never dies. Our spirit is essentially our life force ,our personality, the part of us that makes us unique. So in the afterlife we continue doing and being the things we love. We don't lose ourselves, if anything we become our most authentic selves.This is an important truth to hold on to when considering our loved ones that have gone on before us.  All those broken parts of the self that didn't heal on the earth plane, heal on the other side. We go home to heal.
Colors truly are more vibrant and hard to describe when I am fortunate enough to receive glimpses.You see them in your dreams while you astral travel. If you want to remember these experiences, ask your higher self to show you or if that doesn't make sense to you, ask your spirit guides. Help is always available. Part of the reason we don't remember or hold on to all of this information (and I am sure so much more than I can share) is because we need to live our life here via our soul contract and not focus on our heaven all the time.
Just as in earth life your afterlife is whatever you decide to make it, but there are no limitations or boundaries on the other side so you create your life at a much faster rate there. FYI ..I will immediately(after I leave this glorious earth) be found on a Caribbean type beach with a drink in hand if you ever decide to look for me!
We are always being loved and guided on the other side by our soul family and subsequently we are loving and guiding others as well, both over yonder and on the earth plane. Of course once we are back on the other side (the place of truth and oneness) we don't see the different dimensions as separate. We don't experience separation of any kind. None, zero, zilch.
There is no judgment on the other side. We only judge ourselves. It is not a self-judgment, but more of a review or an assessment. The review is based on how our soul contract played out on earth and all of its intricate details, but there is no guilt attached regardless of the outcomes. We figure out if we completed our tasks, worked out karma, created more karma, broke contract, etc.
Upon arrival and well beyond because we are still living, but without physical form- We visit our loved ones and we work with other guides and angels to help those still living in human form. We need their help, because we aren't nearly as smart as we think we are!!
While In spirit form, We have the best of both worlds. Everything is instantaneous. No limits or boundaries. There is a reason why we have attachments or sometimes even obsessions with super heroes or the idea of them,because in our natural ethereal form we are super heroes. How cool is that?
One of the main ideas to the story of physical life is to ascend to a place within ourselves in which we each realize we are magic, and that we can create our reality right here on earth just as we do on the other side. Despite physical limitations we can create a magical life here. How? Start by falling into your truth and living your truth, whatever that may be. Please know that you came here to love and be loved, it is truly that simple. Once you allow yourself to receive the gift of love, and then spread it around to others in all the ways that love can be shared, you'll recognize a beautiful life. This is the first step to ascension! Grow in to your truth. BE LOVE. Everything else will fall into place, and then someday you'll go home. Trust me, you absolutely love it there. Blessings and Love, Chantal

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Connections and Kindness

I could write an entire book about soul connections. It's something I am completely fascinated with, and the subject seems to come up often with various clients during phone and in person sessions. Today I will share some basics about how we all effect one another throughout any given day. 
  I love this quote from the book Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell; "Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
 There is such truth in this statement. The bottom line is we are all connected. Every choice we make not only defines our own personal future, but also those people (and animals) we come in contact with throughout the days, months, and years of our life. Most of us don't consider how an act so minor (opening the door for a stranger) can later cause a positive ripple effect, moving kindness and love throughout the universe, ultimately touching the lives of people you will never physically meet on the earth plane. Or will you? Or have you? (That is a whole other ball of wax in the soul connections department).
Every day we have choices to make. The options are endless. You might think, well no, the options aren't endless. I am bound to get up out of bed, take a shower, go to work, come home, cook dinner, and get after the kids to finish homework and clean their room, walk the dog, etc. This is routine yes, but realistically you do have the choice whether to get out of bed and do all of those tasks. We tend to think small when caught up in the day to day. Let's think outside of the box momentarily. Let's say you don't do any of those daily ritualistic actions. Instead you decide to lay in bed lazily all day (my favorite winter pastime), reading a good book or watching television. Not only is your routine off kilter, but you've removed yourself from certain interactions with the hundreds of people (if not more) that you unknowingly touch with your life every single day. Maybe the guy you cut off in traffic yesterday on the way to work learned a bit about patience and slowed down, later avoiding a car accident. Maybe the postman that delivered your office mail needed to see your smile, because his day wasn't going so well, and what he needed was a pick me up, which in turn helped him to be in a better mood as he returned home to his family that evening, hence no family arguing. Possibly the lady with only one item in her basket at the grocery store that you let check out in front of you made it to work on time, and luckily she kept her job that has been on the line due to recent tardiness, because her husband is at home dying from a terminal disease, while she juggles his illness and work just to keep medical insurance. You get the picture. Every day in countless ways we touch so many lives in little instances that make all the difference in the world, especially to some people, and more often than not you will never know your good deeds and their final effects. I'm just trying to paint a picture of how all of humanity is truly affected by each soul embodying a physical being, A.K.A. YOU.
***You're a soul living inside a body, connected to all that is, all that ever was, and all that will ever be.***
 (Let that sink in for a moment, re-read the above sentence, comprehend the significance of that truth).
 In the spirit of being thankful as we celebrate the giving season, pay it forward. PAY IT FORWARD. Be conscious of doing something kind and compassionate ON PURPOSE for another, and as you do so, don't expect anything in return (don't worry the universe will eventually reward your kindness), live in the absolute knowing that you're creating positive loving energy in the the universe, love grows into light, and light always outshines the darkness. We are all connected.... now and eternally. Blessings always, Chantal
PS...Who you gonna light up? :)



Saturday, October 12, 2013

Am I on the "right" path?

I talk to many people throughout the United States and beyond on a daily basis. I admit, regardless of why we are speaking (psychic-medium reading, grief healing, life coaching) the one question that never fails to arise is, "Am I on the right path for my life" or, "How do I know if I am currently on the right path"? This line of questioning, even after hearing it countless times, always has the tendency to remind me just how pivotal my life work is, and how my answers guide the choices of those I work with, to me this is a big responsibility as well as humbling. Who am I to say or decide if one is actually on their right path? I've realized through getting to know so many people from every walk of life throughout the years, that the answer is always YES. Easy, right? No, it isn't easy, but yes, in a nutshell you are on the right path. 
Even if you are needing to make changes to your current course, you're always exactly where you need to be at any given moment. This truth goes back to divine order (see earlier post, Divine Order for a better understanding) and synchronicity. If you weren't where you are at this exact time and place, wondering which way to go so to speak, you simply won't end up where you are going next, to ultimately make a difference in your own life, those you love, and even further out into the universe via the ripple effect, touching millions of people all over the world. Right now, you are reading this, and this is part of your journey onto the next move you make in your life. Every moment is right on time, exactly on schedule.
 BUT.....(yes of course there had to be a but) you will teeter in life. If you are presently questioning or wondering if you're on point in life, walking in the best direction, it's a perfect time to re-evaluate your current life situations which can include (but not limited to) career, relationships, locale of residence, hobbies, etc. 
If you are in query, and your immediate gut feeling is one of inner peace and harmony, then ask no more, just keep doing exactly what you're doing. Keep plucking along!
 If you're sensing that something is just a little bit off in your world or there is a lack of joy in some area of your life, it doesn't necessarily mean your off path, it just means you need some minor tweaking. It's obviously time to change some things up a bit! By switching things up in your life you will more than likely feel more at peace with your journey. Your job (if you choose) is to figure out where your feeling joyless, bored, uneasy (if that is the case) and make the needed changes for yourself and the highest good of all. most can relate with at some point in their life.
 Let's say it's a current friendship that has become an issue. The friendship has always been fun and fulfilling, but lately it feels somewhat negative and draining. You may fear losing the friendship for various reasons, but if this is the case (negative and draining), it would probably be best for you to take a step back, re-fuel your depleted energy by partaking in friendships that feel more healthy and balanced. Sometimes we need to stretch and grow, and unfortunately that means growing apart from a friend for awhile (especially when there is conflicting energy), and sometimes indefinitely. Is this easy? No. It is it sometimes necessary? Yes. A conflict such as this is enough to make you feel like your life is off kilter. You have the power to put balance back into your life.
 If you already know you aren't happy or feeling fulfilled in a tremendous way, first figure out what that means for you and then find a solution. There is ALWAYS solution, which means no excuses, and I mean an excuse along the lines of...
"I will never be happy, because I don't have enough money". Why don't you have enough money? There is always a solution, it may not be immediate, but you can makes plans and set goals to attain the money it is that you need or desire. The universe is always teaching us lessons (if we are willing to learn) and listening to our needs. Put it out there! The universe will conspire to help you in any way you desire. If you aren't content with your job, then get a new job. It's interesting how often I hear "I can't find a new job, no one is hiring". I then ask, have you been actively looking and applying, and often the answer is NO. Often fear of change is at the core of not actually seeking out new employment, or it's the fear of rejection which can plague heavily on the mind as well.
 Go back to school, or use the degree that you threw in the file cabinet. Immediately I can hear the excuses or reasoning as to why you can't leave your job, go to school, use the degree, but I am telling you, yes you can (I've done it and so have countless others) and if you really are tired of being discontent in whatever area of life you are feeling some lack (often it is career), then you will find a way, you will find a solution to better YOUR life path.
Often we will feel out of balance when we aren't following through to living out our bliss, passion, or deepest desires. If you don't know what those are exactly, it's time to delve into yourself and find out. The answers are within, they are always available to you, but you need to put time and effort into seeking those truths. Once you figure out what they are, take the actions needed to bring them to fruition. There is always a way, and no it won't be over night, and yes much of the time it will take effort on your part, but you can make it happen. 
The bottom line is that during the course of this beautiful (blood, sweat, and tears included) human journey, you are always on the right path, there is no wrong. We can only learn and grow from all of the obstacles, unhealthy choices, mistakes, sickness, etc. 
Now it's time to decide what is next for you! Unless of course you are feeling fantastic about where you are in life, then KUDOS to you, (don't worry your time will come at some point along the way for some re-evaluation and change of course), but for the rest of us that need a change up, get on it! Your chariot awaits! 
Blessings always,

Friday, November 30, 2012

Imaginary friends..

I've recently been asked at what age I actually figured out that I was gifted with the ability of communicating with the spirit world as well as being psychic. I'm not sure exactly, because it wasn't always constant or even consistent throughout childhood, and the connections happened at various-random times in my life. I can confidently say that having these gifts do go as far back as the age of 4, but this doesn't mean I wasn't experiencing it sooner, I simply can't recall much before that age in general. I believe the gift of clairvoyance and spirit communication have always been part of me. My spiritual gifts and healing abilities have served both myself and others at various times along this amazing journey (of 37 years) by being able to connect the earth plane (human-home) and the other side (soul-home) by basically bridging the two worlds to bring about healing, while simultaneously bringing forward the truth that death doesn't exist (we survive our body) to those that are seeking such information and validation. I honestly wish I would have listened to my mom and my dear friend Kathy when they constantly advised me to journal all my experiences. Unfortunately I can't remember every person I speak with, but there are many stories that have stood out over the years.
I really want to talk about having the ability to communicate with the afterlife as a child. Many little ones, an insurmountable number of babies-children are coming into the world right now with the gift of sight. If you are the parent/caregiver/grand-parent/teacher, etc. to one of these special little souls, please encourage he or she to stay open and to not be afraid of their gifts. Make them feel that it is safe to speak about their experiences during both waking hours and the night-time. Educate yourself on how to help them cope and also grow so that their gifts will bring healing to the world. Your support is crucial to their growth. There are many ways that a child can exhibit their abilities, but a tell-tale sign is...imaginary friends. In my experience and in my opinion (from talking with other people of all ages) there is no such thing as an imaginary friend. These are spirits or spirit friends for that matter. I haven't met anyone that was afraid of their imaginary friend! I believe when we are young and innocent we tend to not have the ability to judge or be skeptical, which means we are still very god-like or still close to our soul- home, (earthly fears/ego hasn't set in yet) and our perfect soul knows the truth....death doesn't exist. We are spirit first, body second, and we return to spirit. It all comes full circle. If you have a little one in your life that is proving to have the ability to bridge this world with the next, then you have a very special person in your life, and he or she is here to help awaken the masses of people that are still sleeping. Wake up ya all (as my southern friends would say) because a new world is emerging and these babies (age 0-18) are bringing the truth, be ready, be open, and be excited!
Blessings always,
 p.s. I love receiving questions, so send them on. 
Paranormal activity coming soon...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Q & A Part 1

A recent reader asked me the following question. 
"I have always meant to ask you, do our passed one's communicate to you with images, or words? How do you differentiate the information"?  -Anonymous-
The answer is yes, I receive images and words. I have the ability to see vivid images in various ways, but also hear words, music, noise, detect scents and almost always feel what a spirit is trying to convey to me, to then pass on to whomever is receiving the messages. Right now, I will focus on seeing; a.k.a. clairvoyance.
Explaining this process in a way to help others understand the process of spirit communication is actually more difficult (for me personally), than the overall act of communicating with the other side. It's second nature for me, so it would be like asking someone with perfect eyesight, to explain candidly to a blind person, the vivid spectrum of colors in the world. How do you portray purple or yellow to someone that has never seen either of those colors?
I'll do my best to illustrate how receiving images from loved ones (that have crossed over) works for me. * This doesn't mean that other spirit mediums receive their information the same, I am only speaking for myself*
 Clairvoyance (images) can probably be best compared to day-dreaming. During a daydream your eyes might be wide open, but you aren't necessarily looking at what is directly in front of you, instead you're visualizing images of your current life, how to change it, make it better, imagining something you might want to purchase, plotting a destination for travel and adventure,etc.
You're literally envisioning situations through imagery, often without realizing that you are doing so until you're startled, and then go about business as usual.
During a session if a spirit is choosing to use imagery with me, the messages come across similar to snapshots taken with a camera, and it happens at an extremely fast rate, as if my brain has clicked over to shutter mode. It isn't unusual for other images to back up a picture of what I am seeing. For instance, if I am being shown a necklace with a cross, it could mean that I simply need to mention a necklace with a cross, but if immediately behind that image is a jewelry box, and then immediately I see a set of earrings, this would more than likely mean that I am supposed to be mentioning multiple pieces of jewelry.  If this is the case, I'll mention in detail what the jewelry looks like along with the jewelry box. If I had only seen the necklace, and the picture of it continued looming in the air (so to speak), then I know for certain that it's crucial for me to validate this particular item.
If a spirit wants me to see the way their physical body died, or how they looked in appearance at a certain age, these images come in extremely quick flashes, and often repeat over and over until the person receiving the messages validates what I pass on to them from what I am being shown.
 Take your TV remote control and scroll through all your channels one after another as fast as possible. This is how I see things most of the time, but other times, a vision will linger, which again often means I'd better mention what I am seeing! All of the pictures I am given from beyond are important, but its up to me to put the puzzle together and I honestly don't know how to explain how this is done is exact detail.
I am not sure about other mediums, but for me, I typically allow the spirit to choose our communication style. If he or she chooses to use pictures/images then I work with that energy. Everyone is unique in character and personality, so not every person/spirit will communicate exactly the same. Most sessions are a mixed bag, meaning I'll receive messages through forms of seeing, hearing, feeling, and sometimes an overall knowing. I can't always explain how I know what I know. Everything going on inside my brain while I'm giving a reading, is happening at a "fast forward" pace. I manage (with the help of my own spirit guides) to put the puzzle pieces where they belong (most of the time anyway). I always say, they (on the other side) know exactly what they're conveying to me, I don't always interpret it correctly.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012...Is It The End Of The World?

The # 1 question that I've been asked for the last couple of years is whether the world will end in 2012. I don't think so. I say that with a little of sarcasm and a roll of my eyes. Why? Because all the media and hoopla over the world coming to an end is exhausting.
 In all honesty, I don't know if the world will ever actually cease to exist, but I guess it could possibly end tomorrow. Anything is possible, correct?
I do believe that 2012 is a time for new beginnings in all of our lives ( meaning the entire human race) which includes a major consciousness shift amongst all. This transformation has been coming to light for quite some time, but I've personally noticed this huge shift in the last few years.
Ten years ago, I was embarrassed to talk about the abilities and gifts I possess, so naturally I kept it under wraps most of the time. I simply didn't want to explain nor defend myself to people with different beliefs, judgments, or criticisms. I was most definitely in fear of negative reactions, but also I found that the trying to explain what a medium does in two minutes or less, on the sidelines of a sporting event for my children, was quite difficult. 
Now (due to various television shows, books, movies, documentaries, songs, social networking, etc.), all I say to those whom ask is, "I'm a medium". Most responses are positive and it isn't necessary to explain myself, because awareness has been created through an immense global shift in human consciousness. In other words, people are beginning to think more openly, and finding that spirituality doesn't need to be tied to religion. For many years, I would hear people say, "Well, I am not spiritual, because I don't affiliate with any religion". In the last few years, I am receiving comments such as " I am spiritual, but not religious". Somewhere along the way, in recent years, many individuals have come to a realization that spirituality can be experienced without being religious to any certain belief system. I'm not dissing any religion (as I respect them all), only making a point that there has been a massive change in overall thinking on a global level. 2012 won't be the end of times in the way it's being advertised (in my opinion), but the end of a human cycle of people-pleasing conformity, and the beginning of a new awareness beyond our current understanding. 
If for some reason you believe that the world is going to end in 4 months or so, then I hope with all my heart that you're living life to the absolute fullest, checking off your bucket list one dandy day at a time, and most importantly loving and validating the people that mean the most to you. Share a few more smiles with the world! But shouldn't we all, regardless of our beliefs, being doing that anyway? I'd say yes to that one, with no sarcasm or roll of the eyes.  
Happy Trails! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Off The Grid...

I'm back, and have a lot of information to share! For those of you that have asked if I would ever update my blog again, the answer is happening before your eyes.
 I've been busy with work, school (almost finished...yay!), kids, traveling for work purposes. etc. 
None of those reasons are excuses to be off the grid, but life is all about priorities, and unfortunately writing for the sheer enjoyment of sharing with others wasn't one of them. I am re-prioritizing my time and energy, and one of those priorities is writing. I've been working on time management, limits, and boundaries too.
For my current followers, I'll be updating at least once a week by sharing stories about readings, and many other subjects that have crossed my path (sometimes literally ;) in the last couple of years. I'll touch on subjects related to the amazing gift of mediumship that allows for an avenue of healing to enter into the lives of those that are sent my way in divine order, via word of mouth (unless they stumble upon my little blog). 
PLEASE feel free to ask questions that you want answers to in regards to communication with the afterlife, spirituality, paranormal, etc., and I will answer them if I am able. As always, I will keep your name anonymous, unless of course you choose otherwise. 
If you are newbie to this blog, please check out the archives. You might find something there that will speak directly to you.
Blessings always,