My Girls :)

My Girls :)
Love and Light!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Q & A Part 1

A recent reader asked me the following question. 
"I have always meant to ask you, do our passed one's communicate to you with images, or words? How do you differentiate the information"?  -Anonymous-
The answer is yes, I receive images and words. I have the ability to see vivid images in various ways, but also hear words, music, noise, detect scents and almost always feel what a spirit is trying to convey to me, to then pass on to whomever is receiving the messages. Right now, I will focus on seeing; a.k.a. clairvoyance.
Explaining this process in a way to help others understand the process of spirit communication is actually more difficult (for me personally), than the overall act of communicating with the other side. It's second nature for me, so it would be like asking someone with perfect eyesight, to explain candidly to a blind person, the vivid spectrum of colors in the world. How do you portray purple or yellow to someone that has never seen either of those colors?
I'll do my best to illustrate how receiving images from loved ones (that have crossed over) works for me. * This doesn't mean that other spirit mediums receive their information the same, I am only speaking for myself*
 Clairvoyance (images) can probably be best compared to day-dreaming. During a daydream your eyes might be wide open, but you aren't necessarily looking at what is directly in front of you, instead you're visualizing images of your current life, how to change it, make it better, imagining something you might want to purchase, plotting a destination for travel and adventure,etc.
You're literally envisioning situations through imagery, often without realizing that you are doing so until you're startled, and then go about business as usual.
During a session if a spirit is choosing to use imagery with me, the messages come across similar to snapshots taken with a camera, and it happens at an extremely fast rate, as if my brain has clicked over to shutter mode. It isn't unusual for other images to back up a picture of what I am seeing. For instance, if I am being shown a necklace with a cross, it could mean that I simply need to mention a necklace with a cross, but if immediately behind that image is a jewelry box, and then immediately I see a set of earrings, this would more than likely mean that I am supposed to be mentioning multiple pieces of jewelry.  If this is the case, I'll mention in detail what the jewelry looks like along with the jewelry box. If I had only seen the necklace, and the picture of it continued looming in the air (so to speak), then I know for certain that it's crucial for me to validate this particular item.
If a spirit wants me to see the way their physical body died, or how they looked in appearance at a certain age, these images come in extremely quick flashes, and often repeat over and over until the person receiving the messages validates what I pass on to them from what I am being shown.
 Take your TV remote control and scroll through all your channels one after another as fast as possible. This is how I see things most of the time, but other times, a vision will linger, which again often means I'd better mention what I am seeing! All of the pictures I am given from beyond are important, but its up to me to put the puzzle together and I honestly don't know how to explain how this is done is exact detail.
I am not sure about other mediums, but for me, I typically allow the spirit to choose our communication style. If he or she chooses to use pictures/images then I work with that energy. Everyone is unique in character and personality, so not every person/spirit will communicate exactly the same. Most sessions are a mixed bag, meaning I'll receive messages through forms of seeing, hearing, feeling, and sometimes an overall knowing. I can't always explain how I know what I know. Everything going on inside my brain while I'm giving a reading, is happening at a "fast forward" pace. I manage (with the help of my own spirit guides) to put the puzzle pieces where they belong (most of the time anyway). I always say, they (on the other side) know exactly what they're conveying to me, I don't always interpret it correctly.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012...Is It The End Of The World?

The # 1 question that I've been asked for the last couple of years is whether the world will end in 2012. I don't think so. I say that with a little of sarcasm and a roll of my eyes. Why? Because all the media and hoopla over the world coming to an end is exhausting.
 In all honesty, I don't know if the world will ever actually cease to exist, but I guess it could possibly end tomorrow. Anything is possible, correct?
I do believe that 2012 is a time for new beginnings in all of our lives ( meaning the entire human race) which includes a major consciousness shift amongst all. This transformation has been coming to light for quite some time, but I've personally noticed this huge shift in the last few years.
Ten years ago, I was embarrassed to talk about the abilities and gifts I possess, so naturally I kept it under wraps most of the time. I simply didn't want to explain nor defend myself to people with different beliefs, judgments, or criticisms. I was most definitely in fear of negative reactions, but also I found that the trying to explain what a medium does in two minutes or less, on the sidelines of a sporting event for my children, was quite difficult. 
Now (due to various television shows, books, movies, documentaries, songs, social networking, etc.), all I say to those whom ask is, "I'm a medium". Most responses are positive and it isn't necessary to explain myself, because awareness has been created through an immense global shift in human consciousness. In other words, people are beginning to think more openly, and finding that spirituality doesn't need to be tied to religion. For many years, I would hear people say, "Well, I am not spiritual, because I don't affiliate with any religion". In the last few years, I am receiving comments such as " I am spiritual, but not religious". Somewhere along the way, in recent years, many individuals have come to a realization that spirituality can be experienced without being religious to any certain belief system. I'm not dissing any religion (as I respect them all), only making a point that there has been a massive change in overall thinking on a global level. 2012 won't be the end of times in the way it's being advertised (in my opinion), but the end of a human cycle of people-pleasing conformity, and the beginning of a new awareness beyond our current understanding. 
If for some reason you believe that the world is going to end in 4 months or so, then I hope with all my heart that you're living life to the absolute fullest, checking off your bucket list one dandy day at a time, and most importantly loving and validating the people that mean the most to you. Share a few more smiles with the world! But shouldn't we all, regardless of our beliefs, being doing that anyway? I'd say yes to that one, with no sarcasm or roll of the eyes.  
Happy Trails! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Off The Grid...

I'm back, and have a lot of information to share! For those of you that have asked if I would ever update my blog again, the answer is happening before your eyes.
 I've been busy with work, school (almost finished...yay!), kids, traveling for work purposes. etc. 
None of those reasons are excuses to be off the grid, but life is all about priorities, and unfortunately writing for the sheer enjoyment of sharing with others wasn't one of them. I am re-prioritizing my time and energy, and one of those priorities is writing. I've been working on time management, limits, and boundaries too.
For my current followers, I'll be updating at least once a week by sharing stories about readings, and many other subjects that have crossed my path (sometimes literally ;) in the last couple of years. I'll touch on subjects related to the amazing gift of mediumship that allows for an avenue of healing to enter into the lives of those that are sent my way in divine order, via word of mouth (unless they stumble upon my little blog). 
PLEASE feel free to ask questions that you want answers to in regards to communication with the afterlife, spirituality, paranormal, etc., and I will answer them if I am able. As always, I will keep your name anonymous, unless of course you choose otherwise. 
If you are newbie to this blog, please check out the archives. You might find something there that will speak directly to you.
Blessings always,