I am using the color blue for my font color. I need some blue in my life. It is the coloring of healing, and I need some of that right now. I'm down with a fever. Actually I am up...needing to take a nap like my bff recommended but I am stubborn as a mule sometimes. (in case you didn't already know)
I also received terrible news in regards to my hubby's unemployment benefits which I won't go into detail, but I am soooooo needing the universe to throw me a bone. A lot of people don't realize how many hours a day I put into returning emails and phone calls that involve giving advice and healing for their life path. I don't charge, because I have a big heart and ENJOY making someone feel good, feel hope when there is none, give guidance because they have none. At least not healthy guidance. A big part of my life work is charitable and doesn't include a paycheck. I am not complaining, just stating the truth. So when financial times are rough I EXPECT the universe, Creator energy to step in a take care of things that I have no control over. I do my job...now do yours! haha. I've been keeping the faith that all will work out, and I believe it will. Always does. The waiting is the hardest part. So I am overwhelmed and it is times like this that I think maybe I should go back to school and get that degree I never went after, because I was born with my gift that doesn't come with a certificate. (well maybe in some states ;)
These are the times I want to say...No I am not the girl that talks to dead people. I am the girl that needs to get an education and have a more stable income. But I would be miserable! All the emails and phone calls I receive on a DAILY basis keep me going...they are always positive and uplifting. How can you beat messages that say...I was so hopeless I was going to take my life, but you helped me heal! I know that I am just the go between for spirit, but let me tell you....being that go between feels pretty damn good! A mother that has lost her child receives communication and validation that her child is still alive (albeit not physically ) and she can now pull her self from the bed she hasn't moved from in 6 months. This work, this gift is powerful and life changing for the people I meet, and I too reap those benefits. I am healed when I bring healing to someone else. I don't understand it, and maybe I am not meant too. If I didn't have my work to distract me after my mom passed away I may have literally gone crazy. No joke! My hubby was at work, and the kids at school. I could have easily turned off the phone (well I did for about 6 weeks) permanently. But I answered those emails and calls and they...YOU..ultimately kept me functioning and eventually healed. For the first 3 months after I went back to work (after my mom lost her battle to cancer) I swear I met with a woman every day that had lost her own mom to cancer. It was so healing for me to sit across from or talk on the phone to someone that "got it". So that is why I keep plugging along while the state of Michigan tries to railroad my hubby out of his unemployment benefits! Tomorrow I will march in with angels on my/his shoulders and trust that they will give us what we are due! I won't worry about that degree, unless of course the phone quits ringing and the email inbox is empty!
Word of the day.....FAITH!!!!! Focus on it, and apply it to your life in some way. We all have our challenges. Every single one of us, and someone always has it worse. Praying each of you have inner peace, and your loved ones too!
I will intend and visualize at intention circle that you both have angels and you receive every cent that is owed to you. I <3 You. And I know you know that you are so needed so no giving up now. :) And I thought I said...take a nap...lol..Ok..I'm taking one now too...it takes good rejuvenated energy to visualize and intend abundance for all. Thanks for keeping the faith. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI know that it is all working out for you and your hubby. I can see your relief! And I'm here if you need me! :-) xx MS/NYC