In one session I had a child coming through (she passed at the age of 5) and she was showing me frogs. Lots of frogs. Jumping frogs every which way! The mom who was having the session was so blown away that her daughter was bringing this up. Apparently her daughter was a frog fan in many big ways, and immediately after the child's funeral as people were leaving the church or cemetery lot there were hundreds of frogs blocking the road so no one could pass without taking notice of the frogs. (also not really a "froggy" area) This child was validating to mom that she had a little hand in that stunt on the day of her funeral. It turned out the incident did give a lot of the family members some sort of peace. Like she was letting them know she was okay! By bringing this up to her mom during the session (actually the beginning) this helped mom KNOW she was receiving communication from her child. I remember another time I had a woman that came to meet with me and right away her dad was coming through. He wanted her to know that he had been keeping an eye on her from day to day. She seemed pleased with hearing this news but not convinced so I asked him to show me some of the events or happenings in the last few days of her life. (she didn't know I was asking him)
I said he is showing me blueberry muffins. Her mouth dropped and she said...I just baked some this morning. She admitted that she doesn't even like to bake, but something had got into her. Come to think of it.....she shared that her dad LOVED blueberry muffins. He ate them often, and she would bake them for him because she loved her dad so much. Then he showed me tires. I was seeing this whole scene with tires being changed. Turns out, that the day before she made the long drive to come see me...she had new tires put on her vehicle. She now believed for sure that dad truly was around her in daily life. Sometimes the biggest and most important validations can come from the little things that they "validate" about our CURRENT life. This is how they prove that they can keep a watchful eye as they choose to still be part of our lives in some way.
Another way the spirit world will validate they are still part of our world is during a session they will bring up a name to their loved one of a living person, BUT they didn't know this individual while they were living. For instance if "Jenny" meets with me and her sister has been passed on for a few years, and she (spirit) brings up the name "Henry" and it turns out she didn't know him in her life, but "Jenny" is now engaged to be married to "Henry" she is letting her sister know that she well aware of her current circumstance. This is a wonderful way for them assure their loved ones of their presence.
Many of you have said...well she or he didn't that person. I always say...well they do now! The heavenly realms have no limitations or boundaries as we do. Their supply of information is limitless. Whether they choose to share that information is entirely up to them!
Until next time...
Love and light,