I don't believe that I know everything about the "other side" because every day I learn something new in regards to my work regarding the afterlife. If you can imagine someone saying that the earth plane and all the people living in its realms only did this, that and the other...there would always be room for argument. The possibilities here on earth are endless as they are in the heavenly realms. The main difference between our world and the next is that there are NO limits or boundaries in the spiritual realm for those that are passed on. The spirit world is not limited by time and space. Every thing is immediate. Moving from point A to point B is instantaneous where as we (in human form) need to get in a car, train, plane etc. to travel any real distance. Spirit has the best of both worlds. They can easily move through the door between the spiritual world and our earthly world. It's like a revolving door for them, but for us living in the flesh it isn't as easy. Of course as a medium it is easier, but I do not have full access to the spiritual realm. I can only experience what I am shown secondhand. Yes, I have knowledge of what goes on in the hereafter and even seen little glimpses, but again it is given to me via a spirit. It's not like I close my eyes and walk through the revolving door and hang out in heaven while I chat with loved ones. I wish!
So what do they do? Well they seem like they continue on living, but in a different form. For one thing they are without a body. Their now made up of strictly god energy or a light form. Keep in mind I am speaking about a spirit that has gone into the light verses a ghost that is still earth bound. That is a whole other story....
I recently had a session with a woman and her daughter was coming through (adult child) that had passed on after fighting a long illness. The daughter was insistent on showing me this whole scene with what looked like an animal day care. I explained this to the woman and she validated that her daughter was enamored with animals and constantly brought home strays through out her life. Apparently her daughter was now spending her time with animals in the spirit world. When you are alive your spirit is the life force of your soul. Another way of looking at is the spirit is what makes up our personality. When we die we don't lose our personality so it made complete sense to this woman that her daughter was still taking care of animals. My point is your heaven is whatever you want it to be, and you can change it whenever you want as well. There are NO limits. If you want a mansion, then you have one. If you want to hang out at the golf course all day then you do. If you want to be in the presence of Jesus then you are. It's a reality of your wildest dreams!
Besides having fun they also continue to grow and learn while on the other side. For instance if someone had a life where they couldn't trust others and was always slow to forgive then his or her guides in heaven will help that individual soul work through those issues. It seems that we never stop learning or growing. I've come in contact with thousands of spirits that validated to their living loved ones how they have progressed as a soul. Part of the reason is they can see things from a different aspect or light. Again having the best of both worlds is a benefit. Addressing the question of whether our crossed over loved ones are always with us is NO. They do have a life to live, but in another way and in another form. Although they do spend time touching in, guiding, protecting loved ones here. Some will spend more time than others. It truly depends on the situation. It depends on how or why the person died and it also matters who they left behind and the depth of grief their loved one is left with here on earth. I like to compare it to moving away from loved ones. If you and your family move to a new place without any family or friends near by you'll find yourself keeping long distance communication constant. You miss the people you left behind so much that you call, write, (nowadays text) and even try to visit frequently. But over time you make new friends and start a brand new life that doesn't allow for as much communication. This natural progression of change and personal growth means less time spent visiting with those you moved away from earlier. You still touch base and your connection never dies it simply changes. Death of a loved one works the same way. In the beginning they touch in all the time as they get used to being without a body. They also focus energy on helping loved ones left behind get through the grief and loss. As time goes on and healing takes place they will pull away little by little. This is good for the living and the spirit. One thing I know for sure when it is our time to physically die and pass from this world to the next, our loved ones are there to greet us with open arms to show us the way into the next life. Death is a rebirth back into our natural form of spirit!
Tomorrow I will touch on what happens to the spirit right after death occurs and whether that spirit moves into the light or chooses to stay in darkness...
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