During a session with *Barb* we were coming in contact with her mom that had passed many years before due to heart failure. Barb was NOT happy to hear from her mom (i got the sigh...like ugh does she really get to talk to me?), but she would not say why (which is a good thing) so I waited for her mom to explain. Through many validations and confirmations from Barb through her mom it was apparent that mom had a mental illness and wasn't capable of being a loving person. She had five children and only liked one of them. The rest of her children (including Barb) were emotionally neglected by her because she truly didn't have the emotional capability herself to love all of her children unconditionally as most mothers easily do with out batting an eyelash. Barb's mom was touching in, but not forceful and I could immediately feel her regrets in life. She was remorseful and apologetic. Barb was starting to soften to her mom's presence, but I could feel a wall of pain that needed to come down. Her mom told me to ask Barb flat out about her 2 failed marriages. "Barb have you been married and divorced twice"? Yes, she confirmed. These sorts of questions/validations went on for awhile and eventually it had come out that Barb led a very unhappy life for many years. She had become like her mom in many ways. She was practically unable to give love or receive love in any fashion. She was overweight and lonely. She had also developed various (serious) health issues and she was only in her 50's. She began crying and letting her emotions play out long enough to admit to herself and to me that she never ever felt loved by her mom, and that she didn't know how to truly be in a place to give/receive love. It might sound crazy, but this was a revelation to this woman! She had never connected the dots. She had thought all along that she made bad choices in life, and that she was doomed to be miserable. Why would she think any different according to her childhood? Needless to say she got caught up in a pattern of negativity which was caused by living a life guided in fear instead of love. Was her life changed through this conversation with mom? Yes. Was it all bandaged up and the wounds healed? No, but she was able to start LETTING GO of the anger and sadness related to mom and the relationship they shared. Immediately (as we kept in touch) she was able to seek help to start welcoming real LOVE into her world and releasing the FEARS that had nearly ruined her life. Today she has forgiven her mom and realized that she was raised by a sick person not an evil one. Barb is on the path to healing her life and that in itself is a miracle in my book.
Again I witness many people living a patterned life of unhappiness backed by fear. On the outside to so many they may seem normal. Maybe even married with children and a couple of house critters named Spot and Cocoa. They have mortgages, car payments, and make their trip the local grocery store once a week. ( or a few times like me ;)
Often they are afraid to face the past, release it and move forward simply out of fear of feeling pain. Even more so being afraid of what the future might hold will cause a person to lie dormant in a place of misery for years! Fears build walls. Big monstrous steel walls. There is ONLY one emotion which will bring down those suckers and it is LOVE. This isn't about soul mates and best friends. I am talking of self love. Getting to a place within where you can truly know yourself and love yourself. To know you only deserve the best possible life while you are here in physical form, because this right here...right now is what matters. The other side...heaven..the afterlife it is all cherries with whipped creme, sandy beaches with blue waters and Margarita fountains galore. (or whatever your lil heart desires)
Speaking of such things...what does your heart desire? *hint* It starts with an L, so go ahead and kick that F word right out of your life and get ready for those everyday miracles :)
Love and light,
p.s. A great book to check out that will aid anyone in the process of self love is
I highly recommend it :)
Very nice. I agree with you. The walls that are built out of fear create a box. That box is the rabbit hole so many people get stuck in. Not only in self loving but in their spirituality, work, life in general. Even if the Creator puts a door there and knocks that fear can stop them from answering that door. Have faith in your Creator! It is a good feeling.
ReplyDeleteVery well said Ruben :)
ReplyDeleteChantal, you spoke directly to me. Bless you for caring about all of us so much.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you are gifted in so many ways.....
ReplyDeleteLinda Jones