My Girls :)

My Girls :)
Love and Light!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Am I on the "right" path?

I talk to many people throughout the United States and beyond on a daily basis. I admit, regardless of why we are speaking (psychic-medium reading, grief healing, life coaching) the one question that never fails to arise is, "Am I on the right path for my life" or, "How do I know if I am currently on the right path"? This line of questioning, even after hearing it countless times, always has the tendency to remind me just how pivotal my life work is, and how my answers guide the choices of those I work with, to me this is a big responsibility as well as humbling. Who am I to say or decide if one is actually on their right path? I've realized through getting to know so many people from every walk of life throughout the years, that the answer is always YES. Easy, right? No, it isn't easy, but yes, in a nutshell you are on the right path. 
Even if you are needing to make changes to your current course, you're always exactly where you need to be at any given moment. This truth goes back to divine order (see earlier post, Divine Order for a better understanding) and synchronicity. If you weren't where you are at this exact time and place, wondering which way to go so to speak, you simply won't end up where you are going next, to ultimately make a difference in your own life, those you love, and even further out into the universe via the ripple effect, touching millions of people all over the world. Right now, you are reading this, and this is part of your journey onto the next move you make in your life. Every moment is right on time, exactly on schedule.
 BUT.....(yes of course there had to be a but) you will teeter in life. If you are presently questioning or wondering if you're on point in life, walking in the best direction, it's a perfect time to re-evaluate your current life situations which can include (but not limited to) career, relationships, locale of residence, hobbies, etc. 
If you are in query, and your immediate gut feeling is one of inner peace and harmony, then ask no more, just keep doing exactly what you're doing. Keep plucking along!
 If you're sensing that something is just a little bit off in your world or there is a lack of joy in some area of your life, it doesn't necessarily mean your off path, it just means you need some minor tweaking. It's obviously time to change some things up a bit! By switching things up in your life you will more than likely feel more at peace with your journey. Your job (if you choose) is to figure out where your feeling joyless, bored, uneasy (if that is the case) and make the needed changes for yourself and the highest good of all. most can relate with at some point in their life.
 Let's say it's a current friendship that has become an issue. The friendship has always been fun and fulfilling, but lately it feels somewhat negative and draining. You may fear losing the friendship for various reasons, but if this is the case (negative and draining), it would probably be best for you to take a step back, re-fuel your depleted energy by partaking in friendships that feel more healthy and balanced. Sometimes we need to stretch and grow, and unfortunately that means growing apart from a friend for awhile (especially when there is conflicting energy), and sometimes indefinitely. Is this easy? No. It is it sometimes necessary? Yes. A conflict such as this is enough to make you feel like your life is off kilter. You have the power to put balance back into your life.
 If you already know you aren't happy or feeling fulfilled in a tremendous way, first figure out what that means for you and then find a solution. There is ALWAYS solution, which means no excuses, and I mean an excuse along the lines of...
"I will never be happy, because I don't have enough money". Why don't you have enough money? There is always a solution, it may not be immediate, but you can makes plans and set goals to attain the money it is that you need or desire. The universe is always teaching us lessons (if we are willing to learn) and listening to our needs. Put it out there! The universe will conspire to help you in any way you desire. If you aren't content with your job, then get a new job. It's interesting how often I hear "I can't find a new job, no one is hiring". I then ask, have you been actively looking and applying, and often the answer is NO. Often fear of change is at the core of not actually seeking out new employment, or it's the fear of rejection which can plague heavily on the mind as well.
 Go back to school, or use the degree that you threw in the file cabinet. Immediately I can hear the excuses or reasoning as to why you can't leave your job, go to school, use the degree, but I am telling you, yes you can (I've done it and so have countless others) and if you really are tired of being discontent in whatever area of life you are feeling some lack (often it is career), then you will find a way, you will find a solution to better YOUR life path.
Often we will feel out of balance when we aren't following through to living out our bliss, passion, or deepest desires. If you don't know what those are exactly, it's time to delve into yourself and find out. The answers are within, they are always available to you, but you need to put time and effort into seeking those truths. Once you figure out what they are, take the actions needed to bring them to fruition. There is always a way, and no it won't be over night, and yes much of the time it will take effort on your part, but you can make it happen. 
The bottom line is that during the course of this beautiful (blood, sweat, and tears included) human journey, you are always on the right path, there is no wrong. We can only learn and grow from all of the obstacles, unhealthy choices, mistakes, sickness, etc. 
Now it's time to decide what is next for you! Unless of course you are feeling fantastic about where you are in life, then KUDOS to you, (don't worry your time will come at some point along the way for some re-evaluation and change of course), but for the rest of us that need a change up, get on it! Your chariot awaits! 
Blessings always,


  1. Thanks for this. I have been questioning a lot of things in my life lately. I am doing career wise exactly what I have always wanted to do. However it is not working out so well where I am at currently because of outside reasons not directly related to my work. However, making the changes is the sScarry part. I am considering moving to a new location but this will effect members of my family and I want to do what is best for them. That is the part I am contemplating doing what is right for the whole family and being afraid to do the wrong thing. I guess I will ask the universe to help guide me in the right direction.

  2. In my opinion, that is the best course of action to ask the universe for guidance. If it is the right move for you and your family the signs, opportunities, and often an overall gut feeling will arise. I made the same kind of big move five years ago, and it was extremely scary. Things seemed to fall into place fairly easy (for the most part, as there were lessons to be learned), so it helped me feel more confident. Blessings on your path!
