The Afterlife, Heaven, THE OTHER SIDE! Guess what? It's not up there. It's not in the sky. It is everywhere. We often see people point up to the sky when referencing "heaven". Maybe this is because Christians believe that Jesus rose to the heavens, which I am not arguing, but I am saying that he could have shifted sideways and still crossed over into the afterlife. He could have rose up, veered to the left for awhile and then zigzagged a bit until he hit a portal that took him to the other side. In other words there are NO limitations or boundaries placed upon our spirit when we die. On the earth plane, in our human body form we have a plethora of physical limits, but the moment we die and cross over, those limits no longer exist. Magic!
We all go to the afterlife, HOME, the white light, the great beyond. Yep. Every body under heaven (or side of heaven) goes to the hereafter. If you choose of course. #freewill
EVEN THE BAD GUYS?? Yes, even the bad guys. Often the bad guys won't go to the light because they fear persecution on the other side by their idea of God.
EVEN THE BAD GUYS?? Yes, even the bad guys. Often the bad guys won't go to the light because they fear persecution on the other side by their idea of God.
Regardless of what you've been taught, no soul is sent to the spiritual realms of a fiery hell. In the nearly 2 decades of doing both one on one readings as well as group sessions, there has never been mention or any recognizable signs of a hell. If it exists I've yet to have it conveyed to me by spirit. The lack of shared stories (by those in spirit) about a "hell" certainly goes against what many religions teach their followers. In my metaphysical opinion, instilled fear is a means of control. The thought of sitting in a fiery pit with a host of demons is pretty damn frightening. The bottom line is that hell is a scary idea which is exactly why it was created and presented in the first place. It has been a tool to control the masses through the use of fear, and you are part of the masses. I am part of the masses. You do not have to be a sheep though, you can be a cow or just be you. Believe what speaks to you, not what you are told to believe. It is really that simple. Right now I'm sharing information with you that allows you to be free from the fear that you will die and then possibly (based on your choices) be sent to some sort of eternal torture! It's not happening yo! Let it go!
If there are various levels of consciousness on the other side among the souls that incarnate into human form, no one has showed me. I am not saying they can't exist, but no spirit has shared this with me. I am referring to the idea of a numbered sequence of levels such as 1, 2, 3, and so on in regards to a hierarchy of soul progression. In soul form we aren't competitive or better than if you will anyone else, we are all source energy made up of light and love. PERIOD.
Reincarnation (Past Lives) is real. We all reincarnate, if we choose. Please notice a trend in the ability to always utilize your free will. Most of us choose to incarnate time and time again with our soul groups and soul family until either we choose to stop for whatever reason or we hit a point where it is no longer necessary. In a sense we can outgrow earthly life, many call this ascension in various spiritual or metaphysical communities.
At the time of physical death our body dies, but not our spirit. You can't kill energy, it will transmute, but never dies. Our spirit is essentially our life force ,our personality, the part of us that makes us unique. So in the afterlife we continue doing and being the things we love. We don't lose ourselves, if anything we become our most authentic selves.This is an important truth to hold on to when considering our loved ones that have gone on before us. All those broken parts of the self that didn't heal on the earth plane, heal on the other side. We go home to heal.
Colors truly are more vibrant and hard to describe when I am fortunate enough to receive glimpses.You see them in your dreams while you astral travel. If you want to remember these experiences, ask your higher self to show you or if that doesn't make sense to you, ask your spirit guides. Help is always available. Part of the reason we don't remember or hold on to all of this information (and I am sure so much more than I can share) is because we need to live our life here via our soul contract and not focus on our heaven all the time.
Just as in earth life your afterlife is whatever you decide to make it, but there are no limitations or boundaries on the other side so you create your life at a much faster rate there. FYI ..I will immediately(after I leave this glorious earth) be found on a Caribbean type beach with a drink in hand if you ever decide to look for me!
We are always being loved and guided on the other side by our soul family and subsequently we are loving and guiding others as well, both over yonder and on the earth plane. Of course once we are back on the other side (the place of truth and oneness) we don't see the different dimensions as separate. We don't experience separation of any kind. None, zero, zilch.
There is no judgment on the other side. We only judge ourselves. It is not a self-judgment, but more of a review or an assessment. The review is based on how our soul contract played out on earth and all of its intricate details, but there is no guilt attached regardless of the outcomes. We figure out if we completed our tasks, worked out karma, created more karma, broke contract, etc.
Upon arrival and well beyond because we are still living, but without physical form- We visit our loved ones and we work with other guides and angels to help those still living in human form. We need their help, because we aren't nearly as smart as we think we are!!
While In spirit form, We have the best of both worlds. Everything is instantaneous. No limits or boundaries. There is a reason why we have attachments or sometimes even obsessions with super heroes or the idea of them,because in our natural ethereal form we are super heroes. How cool is that?
One of the main ideas to the story of physical life is to ascend to a place within ourselves in which we each realize we are magic, and that we can create our reality right here on earth just as we do on the other side. Despite physical limitations we can create a magical life here. How? Start by falling into your truth and living your truth, whatever that may be. Please know that you came here to love and be loved, it is truly that simple. Once you allow yourself to receive the gift of love, and then spread it around to others in all the ways that love can be shared, you'll recognize a beautiful life. This is the first step to ascension! Grow in to your truth. BE LOVE. Everything else will fall into place, and then someday you'll go home. Trust me, you absolutely love it there. Blessings and Love, Chantal
Reincarnation (Past Lives) is real. We all reincarnate, if we choose. Please notice a trend in the ability to always utilize your free will. Most of us choose to incarnate time and time again with our soul groups and soul family until either we choose to stop for whatever reason or we hit a point where it is no longer necessary. In a sense we can outgrow earthly life, many call this ascension in various spiritual or metaphysical communities.
At the time of physical death our body dies, but not our spirit. You can't kill energy, it will transmute, but never dies. Our spirit is essentially our life force ,our personality, the part of us that makes us unique. So in the afterlife we continue doing and being the things we love. We don't lose ourselves, if anything we become our most authentic selves.This is an important truth to hold on to when considering our loved ones that have gone on before us. All those broken parts of the self that didn't heal on the earth plane, heal on the other side. We go home to heal.
Colors truly are more vibrant and hard to describe when I am fortunate enough to receive glimpses.You see them in your dreams while you astral travel. If you want to remember these experiences, ask your higher self to show you or if that doesn't make sense to you, ask your spirit guides. Help is always available. Part of the reason we don't remember or hold on to all of this information (and I am sure so much more than I can share) is because we need to live our life here via our soul contract and not focus on our heaven all the time.
Just as in earth life your afterlife is whatever you decide to make it, but there are no limitations or boundaries on the other side so you create your life at a much faster rate there. FYI ..I will immediately(after I leave this glorious earth) be found on a Caribbean type beach with a drink in hand if you ever decide to look for me!
We are always being loved and guided on the other side by our soul family and subsequently we are loving and guiding others as well, both over yonder and on the earth plane. Of course once we are back on the other side (the place of truth and oneness) we don't see the different dimensions as separate. We don't experience separation of any kind. None, zero, zilch.
There is no judgment on the other side. We only judge ourselves. It is not a self-judgment, but more of a review or an assessment. The review is based on how our soul contract played out on earth and all of its intricate details, but there is no guilt attached regardless of the outcomes. We figure out if we completed our tasks, worked out karma, created more karma, broke contract, etc.
Upon arrival and well beyond because we are still living, but without physical form- We visit our loved ones and we work with other guides and angels to help those still living in human form. We need their help, because we aren't nearly as smart as we think we are!!
While In spirit form, We have the best of both worlds. Everything is instantaneous. No limits or boundaries. There is a reason why we have attachments or sometimes even obsessions with super heroes or the idea of them,because in our natural ethereal form we are super heroes. How cool is that?
One of the main ideas to the story of physical life is to ascend to a place within ourselves in which we each realize we are magic, and that we can create our reality right here on earth just as we do on the other side. Despite physical limitations we can create a magical life here. How? Start by falling into your truth and living your truth, whatever that may be. Please know that you came here to love and be loved, it is truly that simple. Once you allow yourself to receive the gift of love, and then spread it around to others in all the ways that love can be shared, you'll recognize a beautiful life. This is the first step to ascension! Grow in to your truth. BE LOVE. Everything else will fall into place, and then someday you'll go home. Trust me, you absolutely love it there. Blessings and Love, Chantal
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