There are a few answers to this question, and truthfully it depends on the situation. There are times when I am minding my own business in a taco bell eating my lunch when suddenly I notice someone who looks very real to me, but no one else can see the individual. (this is when I ask my hubby how many people he sees sitting at a table and his answer is 2 and mine is 3)
The male spirit (in this instance) notices that I can see him and immediately he vies for my attention. I look away trying to enjoy my soft taco supreme, but he doesn't let up. Now my heart is pumping fast and the guilt starts to set in to my core. If I ignore his message I will be fine and my life will go on, but maybe the person he is wanting to communicate will not be fine so I give in and ask WHAT is it you need to convey? Spirits don't really talk with voices or words out loud it is more like we speak mind to mind. (very E.T. like)
He is sitting a table with a young male/female couple that look to be in love. I guess their age to be 18 or 19. I concentrate on the spirits energy to see what he wants to show me, or make me feel. Suddenly he shows me himself being shot in the stomach. This is how he died (usually very important for them to express) and then he moves in very close to the male at the table and places his own hand over the younger males hand. This lets me know that the spirits connection is to the male. Mind you...this all happens VERY fast. I am talking seconds...and then he explains that this is his younger brother and he desprately needs him to know it is crucial for him to stay on his CURRENT life path. Do not look back, and do not carry guilt. He showed me moving boxes which meant the young man recently moved into a different residence. The spirit said please tell my brother I am ok, and I am watching out/protecting him. Tell him I am proud of him too. Then he disappears. At least from what I can tell. Now the reason I was able to see him so easily is that he (the spirit) was around his brother and tapped into his energy field. They are connected by love and that love is still a bond between their souls. The spirit stepped into his brother's aura or energy field which raised his vibration so he could be seen by me. It's like turning on a light in the dark. I'll explain why he probably knew I was medium in a bit. Let me finish this story. So I say to my hubby and children (as they are getting their coats on so we can leave) ummmmm....I guess I have to go pass on this message to that young couple. You three head out to the van, and I will do this quickly and then we will bolt. They've been through this before so we are all like old pro's. For some reason with me it never gets easier. I always feel like I am going on stage and I had better remember my lines or everyone will laugh me off the stage.
I walk up to the couple. HI. You don't know me, and please don't be freaked out by me. Have you ever heard of the term spiritual medium? Someone that connects with the afterlife? They both look at one another bug eyed and nod their heads with a little uh-huh noise coming from their gaping mouths. I say like John Edward? Now they are both nodding their heads faster. I say, well I do the same thing as him and I need you to know that your brother was next to you (he jumps in his seat not taking his eyes off of me) and he showed me he was shot in the stomach. Is that right? He nods slowly and says uh...yeah. (this is the point where i no longer feel like a nut-job) After he validates this I say...well your brother mentioned these things to me...that he is protecting you, proud of you and needs you to stay on the current path you are on. No guilt about the past, don't look back, etc. and something about moving boxes. He replies...I recently cleaned up my life and I am now sober. I moved into my own apartment today. In fact we just took a lunch break from unpacking boxes. I say your brother loves you very much, please know he is still part of your life. God bless you. I then run out the door hop in the van and off we go...never to see him again. I can bet you from the smile on his face, and the tears in his eyes he was given a great gift of healing that day. That reaction right there is exactly why I continue doing the work that I do. (even on my days off)
So how did the spirit know I was a medium? I was told long ago by an older woman that was a medium most of her life that we have these sort of beacons (i compare mine to the blue light special at k-mart) and the energies in the higher realms are attracted to our light. On that particular day I believe that the brother in spirit was watching over his younger sibling and I happened (through divine order) to walk into that taco bell....and you know the rest.
As far as phone sessions go...
I tap into the energy field of the person I am talking to on the other end. I usually say...let me take a moment to get into your energy.
This auric field allows me to open a door so to speak into the other side. Your loved ones or highly evolved entities (angels, spirit guides) will be in your energy and I move into your vibration with my mind and communicate with them. For me it is like turning off one part of my brain (logical side) and turning on the other side of my brain (spiritual and emotional) for the duration of our conversation.
This takes a lot of energy on my part and on their part. Spirit has a high/fast vibration (like a hummingbird) and humans have a low/slow vibration (like a butterfly). In order for us to communicate meaning medium and spirit, we must meet in the middle and then hold our energy there for quite some time! It isn't always easy let me tell you. That is why it so IMPORTANT when I speak with someone on the phone they avoid any and all interruption.
That's all Folks this Blue Light Special is spent for the day! Have a wonderful week!
Love and Appreciate all those in your life both near and far....because you never know what life will bring to your doorstep.
Love your blog Chantal. Thanks for sharing with me. You are such a special person with such a gift and such a tender heart to want to share everything to everyone. You have taught me so much and I know I will always continue to learn from you. More importantly you gave me freedom from our very first reading and I will forever be grateful for being selected to have you come to my life - I have changed - no make that GROWN so much because of you. God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! I wanted to share with you that just last week something that you told me in our last reading came true! You once told me that the things that you say may take awhile to happen and that always stuck with me. It was a year later to the month that you said it would happen! I wasn't thinking about that at the time, it wasn't until I read your blog the other night and it hit me! I love what you do and I wish I could tap into that spiritual place a lot more than I do. I love what you wrote in your Good Vibrations blog! Thank you for explaining all of that, I loved it! You have a wonderful gift and I thank you for sharing! I will be calling you soon, I will need your information again. Thank you and God Bless!
I just read through all of these. I'm SO glad you decided to do this. I love your words and can't wait to read more. ---Jackie (couldn't figure out how to post under my name rather than "anonymous")
ReplyDeleteYour gift is truly amazing and I can't wait to talk to you again!
ReplyDeleteThank you all for the positive feedback and kind words. I appreciate the input and it is nice to know your enjoying the blog! xoxo Chantal