The first time I walked through the doors of the Spiritualist Church I met a woman named Kathy. I don't need to change her name for this blog, because she would approve of the story I am going to share. She is now a very dear friend of mine, and we claim each other as soul sisters! In all honesty if it wasn't for her encouraging me to accept my spiritual gifts as a medium you wouldn't have ever had a session with me. She pounded it into my brain that I had a gift to share with the world, and she wouldn't let up. Yes, she was relentless. She became like a mother figure (30 yr. age diff) and she always put me in my place. About a week after I met her we started going on brisk walks every evening together for a couple hours. We would chat about everything imaginable. Most of our conversations revolved around anything and everything spiritual,paranormal, and new age. I was on cloud 9 just having someone to share with and ask questions. I knew she had a son that passed, her only child, and it was his death that caused her to read and study everything MEDIUM. She had hundreds of books on the subject of heaven and the afterlife. Her library was so amazing to me. It was a world that I had no idea existed. Anyway, I had told Kathy that I could see spirits and that I could sort of communicate with them. She said, well if you ever want to practice you can use me! I think she was a little bit joking, and a little bit serious. Apparently her son in spirit took that as a cue to come through. The very next night we took a seat out on her covered porch to catch our breath, drink some water, and chit chat before I headed home. Keep in mind....I knew she had a son that passed. I didn't know much else about him or even how he passed. I knew his name was Danny and that he had crossed over 13 yrs. previously. That was it! I later found out she was holding back on sharing details concerning his life/death with me just in case I was a budding medium and could bring her son through. So we were sitting there and although I don't remember this word for word it kind of went like this...
Me: Did your son have blonde hair and a medium build?
Kathy: YES, why?
Me: I feel like I can see him
Kathy: OK, what else?
Me: He is showing me a big car and he is driving the car???
Kathy: Yes, go on.
Me: Does the # 13 mean anything?
Kathy: yes
Me: He keeps saying February over and over.
Kathy: He passed in that month and he was 13 yrs. old.
(i am freaking out at this point)
Me: I feel like the car goes off the road but it isn't going fast.
Kathy: Yes...what else do you see?
Me: He is pointing to his temple on his head. He won't stop. Over and over pointing at his temple.
Kathy: The car went off the road into a ditch, he was driving and it was only going 35 mph.
His window was open...his temple hit the ground and it killed him instantly.
Me: There are 2 people in the back seat and he keeps showing me a pair of eyeglasses.
Kathy: Is there anyone else there?
Me: One other person in the front seat with him.
Kathy: His stepdad was there in the front and his step brothers were in the back seat. One of this brothers lost his eyeglasses at the scene. We later went back to the scene and found them.
Me: wow.
Danny started throwing out names at me like crazy which I can't remember but she just kept laughing so hard because I named off almost every single one of his closest friends, and it turned out he wanted to thank her for giving them his things. She then validated that she let the friends come into her home and go through his things and take whatever they wanted!
I am just sharing with you and tid-bit of what came through Danny to his mom that night. This went on with him for over 2 hours! I was amazed and she was blown away. She kept saying you are just like John Edward!! She couldn't believe the accuracy and details I was giving her. She was crying tears of joy and laughing hysterically. She said...I just talked to my son for 2 hours through you! I swear she thanked me a million times, and explained that she hadn't felt that kind of inner- peace since Danny had died. From that day forward she instilled in me time and again that I had a gift that needed to be shared. The next week I went to the Spiritualist church with Kathy. She nudged me to start giving messages from the other side to the congregation. She taught me so much over the years, but her true gift to me was believing in me when I did not, and nurturing a gift that I never really understood. Nothing is better than a good friend that encourages you to be the best that you can be. Now if I could just get my 14 yr. old to believe that truth!
Peace and blessings,
I have been unaware of this site until today. (Very important to remember) Also today I had to have my phone repaired and had lost all my contacts. Well, I was able to retrieve them all back but I needed to go through them all and make sure nothing had changed. Some had changed and others had not. As I went through the list I had to delete some as they were no longer people I stayed in contact with or the numbers had changed. As I was going through them I came to one that as very familiar.. The name was Kathy B. Yes the same Kathy Chantal wrote about. I cried when I saw her name and had a hard time deleting it. Part of me felt if I deleted it I would lose Kathy forever or I would be deleting her from my life. It brought back memories of how she and I met(through Chantal) and how I would go over and we would chat about everything and anything. We would call each other at least once a month to catch up as she moved away from the area.She supported me also and believed and validated information I would recieve. She advised me to go to the Spritualist church. I did and it was one of the best things she did for me. No I am not a medium(kathy swore I was)but my point to all this is: Kathy said hello from from above. Of course I had to read through all the blogs and then it struck me. Kathy was saying hello! I wondered how and when she would contact me and I guess I should have known that since we met through Chantal she would say hello through her too. Thanks Chantal for leading me to a wonderful friend and mentor. Watch for the signs everyone!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Thanks for sharing :) Such an awesome uplifting story that validates the signs and messages we receive from the other side. Thanks for taking the time to share L. ;)