Many years ago I was told by a mentor to be careful in not leading or misleading someone in any direction, that they need to take the information spirit shares and make their own conclusions and more importantly decisions. This is hard to do sometimes as many people want to hear whatever they WANT to hear. It is also hard for a lot of people to swallow the truth,BUT as a go between for this world and the next it is my job to pass on the messages with complete honesty, clarity, and compassion. At the same time I have to be careful to not interfere. (yes, its like walking a tight rope some days!) There are many many times Monday thru Friday that I want to yell through the phone, "Stop what you are doing and do exactly as I say and everything will be peachy again". Unfortunately no one really learns anything if they are told how to think and how to act. So I give them the fork in the road and my favorite follow up question is....Well, which road am I going to take? hahahaha. Of course I am truthful with what I am shown, but the gift in all of it is you get to choose via the gift of free will! I am constantly receiving emails and calls with phrases like I should of listened and not taken that path, or you were right on and everything you told me came to pass. I don't believe in shoulda coulda or woulda. (throw em all out the window..please :) The bottom line is we learn from all of our experiences and sometimes we need to fall on our faces a few times before we find our balance in life. The biggest gift you can give yourself when you are faced with decisions is to go within. You have an inner voice. You actually listen to it all the time without realizing it. It is the part of you that says "make that dr. appt., turn right instead of left, don't eat that, call your mom, visit your neighbor, etc.
If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't right. Your inner spirit is your own personal compass. Check in with yourself at least once a day. You don't have to meditate like the Tibetans in order to get the answers you desire. Releasing self doubt and touching in with your divine self will lead you to the answers you seek. If you build a relationship with your authentic self then the guidance you seek is always at hand. I remember one time I was traveling to do a house party about 8 yrs ago, and I suddenly felt the need to turn around and go home. I tried to brush it off, but the feeling got stronger the further I went down the highway. Finally I turned the car around and went home. I wasn't happy about this at all. I didn't want to let the hostess down, and it was like taking a week off with no pay. How could I tell people to follow their gut instinct and completely ignore my own? Needless to say the next morning I found out that a semi crashed which caused a major car pile up on the highway that I was on that day, and the timing would have put me in the middle of the accident!
Make it a point to connect with your inner self. Go within. The answers you seek are available to you, and if you don't get the answer then you apparently weren't meant to know.
A wonderful book and tool for connecting with your inner self/higher self, guides, and angels is
Divine Guidance by Doreen Virtue. Check it out!
Love and light,
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