One question that I am asked on a regular basis is whether or not our loved ones that have crossed over miss us. Do they long for our hugs and kisses? Do they miss our touch, laughter, love, and friendship? The answer is yes. Of course they do! Although it isn't nearly as intense as our longing for them. There are various reasons why their intensity isn't on the same scale. First of all they have the best of both worlds. Eternal life is endless, and has no limitation. Our loved ones in spirit have the opportunity (if they so choose) to cuddle up next to you when your watching the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy or stand near you as you're cooking up a batch of Granny's fried chicken. They are able to still interact with you on some level. You on the other hand do not have the best of both worlds on a constant basis. Sure on occasion the average person will have dream visits with those in the beyond which is an amazing blessing. If you are fortunate enough to be open to your loved ones signs and symbols of life beyond death then you are aware of their occasional presence. I say occasional because our family and friends on the other side don't stalk us. Think about it. Were they constantly around you at all times when they were living in body form? No. There has to be balance in all areas of life and this includes the spirit world. Their life continues and moves forward in heaven as your life does here on earth. Another reason they don't yearn for us in the same way is that they are aware that physicality is just a small part of our life cycle. We are spirit first, body second, and return to spirit. A perfect circle of life. They don't desire touch the way we do, because they are no longer in physical form. They will still embrace us and touch us, but this is for our benefit more than their own. Since we are in solid form and experience life through our senses, they utilize them to awaken us to their presence. Another reason they don't miss us in the same way is because they are extremely aware that you will reunite when it is time for you to leave this world. You might believe this as truth too, but because humans have ego (the part of us that allows in doubt and fears) it is easy to question life beyond death. This leaves us with such a strong yearning for the people that have ultimately left us behind. In essence we haven't been left behind at all. We are essentially still completing our human life missions and living our purpose through Creator. Just as those that have moved into the spirit world are now living out whatever mission and purpose is set out before them. Our loved ones look forward to the day of reunification, and so should you! It is expected and normal to have a deep need to touch your mom's hand, hear your father's laughter, hug your sister, or cuddle your child that has passed on. As you experience those feelings your loved ones in heaven are in tune with your emotions (as their are no limitations of time and space for them) and they almost always respond to you with love.
Love and light,
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