I am so blessed to have been connected with so many amazing individuals through my life work. Every day I get to take part in the lives of people from all over the world, and although each person is unique and living lives specific to their life missions it is clear they all have a couple things in common. The obvious is they all have experienced death, having lost someone they hold close to their heart, and the other is that divine intervention has happened in their life in some way. Some call it luck, others call it coincidence, but most just call them blessings and miracles. For instance, How did *Amy* walk away from a car accident with just a few bumps and bruises, but her three friends in the vehicle all perished? How could it be that an entire family passes in a house fire except for their two year old toddler? Why did a close friend of mine suddenly choose not to go on her business trip at the last minute, to later find out the plane crashed and there were no survivors? Recently a very dear friend of mine was in a terrible boating accident with his mother. She passed instantly, and there is literally no logical reason with the injuries he sustained that he should be alive, and at the least he should be (logically speaking) paralyzed. He is alive and well and suffered no paralyzing effects on his body. Another important factor to this story is there were supposed to be two other individuals from his family in this boat. At the last minute they decided to not take the annual family fishing trip. If they had gone on the trip the chance that they would have survived the accident is very low. There is no explanation for these happenings in my opinion other than the simple fact that these lives as mentioned were spared for some higher purpose. These are all miraculous experiences that shouldn't be ignored. The question is why do some people die and others make it out alive in such situations? The easiest answer is that it was time for the souls that lost their life to return home to Creator for a higher purpose beyond our understanding. Those that were granted more time on the earth plane were given another chance at life to fulfill a greater purpose. Often events like this cause the spared individual to experience a sense of guilt for still being here when they feel they should have died too. It's an inner feeling of cheating death. (a.k.a. Survivor's guilt) The fact of the matter is what we see as cheating death is truly just divine intervention on behalf of the individual whose life was spared. This life has more living to do. At the same time the lives that were taken from us were meant to cross over or they wouldn't have, and that is a truth that is often hard to swallow for many people, including myself. We don't always get the answers to why things happen the way they do, but in time we notice there is always a higher purpose involved. It may take years to come to this conclusion, but as events unfold the answers will be revealed. It seems that miracles often give those that have experienced such an extraordinary ordeal an opportunity to really take some personal inventory. I feel very strongly that miracles are supposed to be wake up calls. Am I fulfilling my life purpose? Why am I here? What is my gift, and am I using all my potential to make a difference in the world in some way? Since each of cause some sort of ripple effect with our actions each and every day, just imagine if we were all in alignment with higher self/highest good. None of us are here by chance. We are all living aspects of Creators love. We are gifts to the universe and when we are no longer needed on the earth plane we return to the other side. Since you are here and especially if you have been chosen specially via divine intervention then it is time (if you haven't already started) to dig down deep within yourself to bring out the gifts you have to share with your family, friends, community and beyond. Even if you haven't had a light bulb moment from the universe these are questions that you could ask your self too. If you choose not to then maybe it will take some divine intervention to get you on track ;) So start digging deep, and make the choice live your best life. Don't just make ripples...make some waves!
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