Often I speak with individuals that are at a place in their life where they feel lost or directionless. Maybe their job is boring and not fulfilling or they've been laid off from a job with little or no future career prospects due to the economy or a lack of education. It's also common for people to cross my path that simply feel a need to pick up and physically move to another state or country in search of something they can't quite place their finger on, but know they need to go. I call it getting "itchy" for something new. The soul is an amazing energy that lives within each one of us, and it is constantly plugged into Creator, or all that is. Prior to our incarnation into this lifetime our soul creates a life map. We choose ahead of time which souls we will encounter along our life journey. Our soul chooses the whens, hows, and whys to most all major events and relationships. The kicker is that once you are born into body form you forget all those predestined plans and get to live what we call life. Add in some free will and it sort of becomes a big free for all. But in essence it isn't, because the universal soul within is always trying to guide us to our highest good so that we can learn all the lessons needed to achieve some sort of bliss in this physical life. It's our own ego (fearful human side) that often tries going against the grain by feeding into doubt. The term "go with the flow" should be the mantra we all live by. It's when we get caught up in fear and negative thinking that we lose our way. It is better to get the hell out of the way and let your inner self guide you to the next fork in the road, and allow it to show you which way to go that which will be in your highest good as well as the universe. So how do we do that? If you lose your job and you know unemployment will only last so long it isn't easy to just float along the lazy river of life. Well, at least society wants you to believe that to be true. The fact is you lost your job, home, marriage, friendship or just your way in general because your soul map is taking you in another direction leading you to your next adventure. Guess what? You're never really lost. You just feel that way, because sudden change is scary and the unknown is too. For some this is easier to handle simply because they have faith that everything will turn out okay. For others they go into an instant tailspin and call me at 1am because they can't breathe from the anxiety they are feeling. Calm down. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. If you have been backed into a corner by the universe (so to speak) it is telling you it is time for a new take on life. There is opportunity all around you. But what is your soul telling you? For instance, If you've been driving a truck all of your life and all you know is the road and the radio, but deep down you've always wanted to be a massage therapist but never had time to pursue this avenue, but over time it sort of gnaws at you. That gnawing sense is your soul telling you it is your gift, to heal others. But NOooooo you just continue driving down the highway day after day, and collecting your paycheck week after boring week. Then suddenly there is no work for you. You got the pink slip without a moment's notice. Now what? Either no one is hiring or your interviews don't pan out. This is what being backed into the corner is all about, and its time to go within and ask yourself, "What now"? Hey buddy, your soul gave you a chance to make the move into studying massage. The ideas were there, the thoughts persistent. You can only fight destiny so long, and then BAM! So follow through with your dreams. Its that easy, right? Yes. Our soul doesn't ever set us up for failure. You look around yourself and think, but. ..but...but....if...if....on and on with the excuses. If you will sit back for a minute and say to the universe/Creator, I get it now, please show me the way. The next thing you know opportunities and people that are in alignment with your new life path will be showing up on your doorstep. (that would be the part where you trust and go with the flow) Life is about change and growth. Every single day we can learn new ways, thoughts, ideas, etc. This is not a place (earth) that is meant to be stagnant. Just take nature for example. The trees change every 4 months give or take. Right now mine are in full golds, reds, and oranges galore. Soon they will be leafless. Then they will bud out and bring me green leaves to adore in my woods for the summer. You aren't meant to have the same exact job or know only one certain group of people, or love only one individual your whole life. You aren't meant to love only one color or like only one food. Life is about evolving and growing into our best self, and to utilize and SHARE the gifts that each of us uniquely possess via Creator. Don't look back, and think you wasted your time on this or that. You were supposed to do this and that to get you to where you are today. Right now in this moment you are where you are supposed to be, and if your life has taken on sudden changes it is all part of your overall life plan. You are in transition, its time to embrace it so you can ENJOY the ride to the next destination. Just don't get to comfortable, its a big world out there, but thankfully you have a map. Just look within and you will see where it is leading you next ;)
Love and light,
It's been a long time! Your insight always seems to make my seemingly restless soul understood.
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