My Girls :)

My Girls :)
Love and Light!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Vibrations....

The question I am asked most often is "How do you connect/communicate with the other side"?
There are a few answers to this question, and truthfully it depends on the situation. There are times when I am minding my own business in a taco bell eating my lunch when suddenly I notice someone who looks very real to me, but no one else can see the individual. (this is when I ask my hubby how many people he sees sitting at a table and his answer is 2 and mine is 3)
The male spirit (in this instance) notices that I can see him and immediately he vies for my attention. I look away trying to enjoy my soft taco supreme, but he doesn't let up. Now my heart is pumping fast and the guilt starts to set in to my core. If I ignore his message I will be fine and my life will go on, but maybe the person he is wanting to communicate will not be fine so I give in and ask WHAT is it you need to convey? Spirits don't really talk with voices or words out loud it is more like we speak mind to mind. (very E.T. like)
He is sitting a table with a young male/female couple that look to be in love. I guess their age to be 18 or 19. I concentrate on the spirits energy to see what he wants to show me, or make me feel. Suddenly he shows me himself being shot in the stomach. This is how he died (usually very important for them to express) and then he moves in very close to the male at the table and places his own hand over the younger males hand. This lets me know that the spirits connection is to the male. Mind you...this all happens VERY fast. I am talking seconds...and then he explains that this is his younger brother and he desprately needs him to know it is crucial for him to stay on his CURRENT life path. Do not look back, and do not carry guilt. He showed me moving boxes which meant the young man recently moved into a different residence. The spirit said please tell my brother I am ok, and I am watching out/protecting him. Tell him I am proud of him too. Then he disappears. At least from what I can tell. Now the reason I was able to see him so easily is that he (the spirit) was around his brother and tapped into his energy field. They are connected by love and that love is still a bond between their souls. The spirit stepped into his brother's aura or energy field which raised his vibration so he could be seen by me. It's like turning on a light in the dark. I'll explain why he probably knew I was medium in a bit. Let me finish this story. So I say to my hubby and children (as they are getting their coats on so we can leave) ummmmm....I guess I have to go pass on this message to that young couple. You three head out to the van, and I will do this quickly and then we will bolt. They've been through this before so we are all like old pro's. For some reason with me it never gets easier. I always feel like I am going on stage and I had better remember my lines or everyone will laugh me off the stage.
I walk up to the couple. HI. You don't know me, and please don't be freaked out by me. Have you ever heard of the term spiritual medium? Someone that connects with the afterlife? They both look at one another bug eyed and nod their heads with a little uh-huh noise coming from their gaping mouths. I say like John Edward? Now they are both nodding their heads faster. I say, well I do the same thing as him and I need you to know that your brother was next to you (he jumps in his seat not taking his eyes off of me) and he showed me he was shot in the stomach. Is that right? He nods slowly and says uh...yeah. (this is the point where i no longer feel like a nut-job) After he validates this I say...well your brother mentioned these things to me...that he is protecting you, proud of you and needs you to stay on the current path you are on. No guilt about the past, don't look back, etc. and something about moving boxes. He replies...I recently cleaned up my life and I am now sober. I moved into my own apartment today. In fact we just took a lunch break from unpacking boxes. I say your brother loves you very much, please know he is still part of your life. God bless you. I then run out the door hop in the van and off we go...never to see him again. I can bet you from the smile on his face, and the tears in his eyes he was given a great gift of healing that day. That reaction right there is exactly why I continue doing the work that I do. (even on my days off)
So how did the spirit know I was a medium? I was told long ago by an older woman that was a medium most of her life that we have these sort of beacons (i compare mine to the blue light special at k-mart) and the energies in the higher realms are attracted to our light. On that particular day I believe that the brother in spirit was watching over his younger sibling and I happened (through divine order) to walk into that taco bell....and you know the rest.
As far as phone sessions go...
I tap into the energy field of the person I am talking to on the other end. I usually say...let me take a moment to get into your energy.
This auric field allows me to open a door so to speak into the other side. Your loved ones or highly evolved entities (angels, spirit guides) will be in your energy and I move into your vibration with my mind and communicate with them. For me it is like turning off one part of my brain (logical side) and turning on the other side of my brain (spiritual and emotional) for the duration of our conversation.
This takes a lot of energy on my part and on their part. Spirit has a high/fast vibration (like a hummingbird) and humans have a low/slow vibration (like a butterfly). In order for us to communicate meaning medium and spirit, we must meet in the middle and then hold our energy there for quite some time! It isn't always easy let me tell you. That is why it so IMPORTANT when I speak with someone on the phone they avoid any and all interruption.
That's all Folks this Blue Light Special is spent for the day! Have a wonderful week!
Love and Appreciate all those in your life both near and far....because you never know what life will bring to your doorstep.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kathy's Healing

The first time I walked through the doors of the Spiritualist Church I met a woman named Kathy. I don't need to change her name for this blog, because she would approve of the story I am going to share. She is now a very dear friend of mine, and we claim each other as soul sisters! In all honesty if it wasn't for her encouraging me to accept my spiritual gifts as a medium you wouldn't have ever had a session with me. She pounded it into my brain that I had a gift to share with the world, and she wouldn't let up. Yes, she was relentless. She became like a mother figure (30 yr. age diff) and she always put me in my place. About a week after I met her we started going on brisk walks every evening together for a couple hours. We would chat about everything imaginable. Most of our conversations revolved around anything and everything spiritual,paranormal, and new age. I was on cloud 9 just having someone to share with and ask questions. I knew she had a son that passed, her only child, and it was his death that caused her to read and study everything MEDIUM. She had hundreds of books on the subject of heaven and the afterlife. Her library was so amazing to me. It was a world that I had no idea existed. Anyway, I had told Kathy that I could see spirits and that I could sort of communicate with them. She said, well if you ever want to practice you can use me! I think she was a little bit joking, and a little bit serious. Apparently her son in spirit took that as a cue to come through. The very next night we took a seat out on her covered porch to catch our breath, drink some water, and chit chat before I headed home. Keep in mind....I knew she had a son that passed. I didn't know much else about him or even how he passed. I knew his name was Danny and that he had crossed over 13 yrs. previously. That was it! I later found out she was holding back on sharing details concerning his life/death with me just in case I was a budding medium and could bring her son through. So we were sitting there and although I don't remember this word for word it kind of went like this...
Me: Did your son have blonde hair and a medium build?
Kathy: YES, why?
Me: I feel like I can see him
Kathy: OK, what else?
Me: He is showing me a big car and he is driving the car???
Kathy: Yes, go on.
Me: Does the # 13 mean anything?
Kathy: yes
Me: He keeps saying February over and over.
Kathy: He passed in that month and he was 13 yrs. old.
(i am freaking out at this point)
Me: I feel like the car goes off the road but it isn't going fast.
Kathy: Yes...what else do you see?
Me: He is pointing to his temple on his head. He won't stop. Over and over pointing at his temple.
Kathy: The car went off the road into a ditch, he was driving and it was only going 35 mph.
His window was open...his temple hit the ground and it killed him instantly.
Me: There are 2 people in the back seat and he keeps showing me a pair of eyeglasses.
Kathy: Is there anyone else there?
Me: One other person in the front seat with him.
Kathy: His stepdad was there in the front and his step brothers were in the back seat. One of this brothers lost his eyeglasses at the scene. We later went back to the scene and found them.
Me: wow.
Danny started throwing out names at me like crazy which I can't remember but she just kept laughing so hard because I named off almost every single one of his closest friends, and it turned out he wanted to thank her for giving them his things. She then validated that she let the friends come into her home and go through his things and take whatever they wanted!
I am just sharing with you and tid-bit of what came through Danny to his mom that night. This went on with him for over 2 hours! I was amazed and she was blown away. She kept saying you are just like John Edward!! She couldn't believe the accuracy and details I was giving her. She was crying tears of joy and laughing hysterically. She said...I just talked to my son for 2 hours through you! I swear she thanked me a million times, and explained that she hadn't felt that kind of inner- peace since Danny had died. From that day forward she instilled in me time and again that I had a gift that needed to be shared. The next week I went to the Spiritualist church with Kathy. She nudged me to start giving messages from the other side to the congregation. She taught me so much over the years, but her true gift to me was believing in me when I did not, and nurturing a gift that I never really understood. Nothing is better than a good friend that encourages you to be the best that you can be. Now if I could just get my 14 yr. old to believe that truth!
Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

*Mandy* and *Tom*

So I was sitting on the couch back in 1999 (give or take a year) watching an episode of "Crossing Over With John Edward" and I said out loud to no one, I can do that! I can totally do what he is doing, but my next thought was...I would never get up in front of an audience and talk to the other side the way he does. My mom always said "never say never" and she was right because it wasn't long (maybe 6 months from that point) before I was standing up in the J.T. E.J. Crumbaugh Spiritualist Church in LeRoy, Il. giving out messages to the congregation. The great thing for me was that the individuals were validating what I was giving them. Some of them would cry while I was bringing through their family member or friend. This made me feel bad while I was doing it, but then later they would pull me aside and thank me with grateful words and sincere hugs. I realized as time went on (giving messages week after week) that healing was being brought into these people's lives with this gift God gave me. Another positive aspect for me in attending this church was that I finally felt accepted in a church of God. My mom was raised Catholic and I was raised in the south suburbs of Chicago. Catholic Churches Galore. The nuns at St. Liborius didn't really dig me, nor my questions about the afterlife. The Apostolics wanted to save me and teach me to speak in tongues. The Lutheran church..well I only went there once. I didn't go near the penecostal church. There wasn't a single church that I found (yes I went searching from the age of 9 til about the age of 13) that I could be accepted at, well unless I wanted the devil taken out of me. But how could something that was considered a gift to so many people be so bad? Until I found the Spiritualist Church I had never felt loved and accepted by any church. Not only did I fit in, but I was growing and being nurtured to eventually do what I consider my life work. It took me awhile to realize that this could truly be my career path. I had a great little business making good money selling candles. I did private sessions on the side here and there. Until one hot summer week in July 2003. I went down to St. Louis, MO. for a candle conference. I hadn't been balancing my business and readings all that well so I needed a kick start to my business. This conference was meant to point me in the right direction in all things candle. Over 10,ooo of us candle ladies took over the city for a few days. Needless to say on the way home I ended up riding home with a different group of girls than I had drove there with originally. I was a little uncomfortable not knowing these women, but they lived closer to my drop off point so it had to be that way. We were driving along and in the backseat with me was a girl named *Mandy*. I kept "hearing" (clairaudience) the name *Tom* in my mind over and over. It was like a broken record. Then all of a sudden I was "seeing" (clairvoyance) this car crash repeatedly in my mind. I was sort of worried that we were going to crash. I was getting fidgety and Mandy asked me if I felt Okay. I took a deep breath and blurted out...Do You know a Tom that is passed on? A younger guy? She looked at me strangely and said yes. I asked if a car crash was connected with him and the # 5? She burst into tears and was asking me why I was asking her these questions. So I explained as best I could. After she got past the shock (somewhat) she told me Tom was her brother. She immediately encouraged me to communicate more with her brother, so we spent the next 2 hours "talking" with Tom. Oh by the way...he died in a car crash...with his wife, 2 children and 1 in utero. 5 of them died that day. Needless to say she was blown away and went home and shared with her parents all the intricate details and validations of information that I could NEVER know or even guess at in a million years. Her parents drove nearly 90 minutes later that week to come meet me so they too could hear from their son. They were so elated and grateful after meeting with me. Instant healing was brought into their world just knowing their son was alive in spirit and was still in some way part of their lives. It wasn't long before my phone was ringing and Mandy had friends that wanted to meet me. Word of mouth got around and I was busy doing sessions every weekend. I canned the candle business and went for the gusto. That is my story on how I got to where I am today meeting awesome people like you day in and day out. In truth it all began with "Tom". I have thanked his soul many times, because he was the lead in for me to use my gift to heal so many both here and in the hereafter!
That's my story and I am sticking to it. :)

*names changed to protect identity

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am using the color blue for my font color. I need some blue in my life. It is the coloring of healing, and I need some of that right now. I'm down with a fever. Actually I am up...needing to take a nap like my bff recommended but I am stubborn as a mule sometimes. (in case you didn't already know)
I also received terrible news in regards to my hubby's unemployment benefits which I won't go into detail, but I am soooooo needing the universe to throw me a bone. A lot of people don't realize how many hours a day I put into returning emails and phone calls that involve giving advice and healing for their life path. I don't charge, because I have a big heart and ENJOY making someone feel good, feel hope when there is none, give guidance because they have none. At least not healthy guidance. A big part of my life work is charitable and doesn't include a paycheck. I am not complaining, just stating the truth. So when financial times are rough I EXPECT the universe, Creator energy to step in a take care of things that I have no control over. I do my do yours! haha. I've been keeping the faith that all will work out, and I believe it will. Always does. The waiting is the hardest part. So I am overwhelmed and it is times like this that I think maybe I should go back to school and get that degree I never went after, because I was born with my gift that doesn't come with a certificate. (well maybe in some states ;)
These are the times I want to say...No I am not the girl that talks to dead people. I am the girl that needs to get an education and have a more stable income. But I would be miserable! All the emails and phone calls I receive on a DAILY basis keep me going...they are always positive and uplifting. How can you beat messages that say...I was so hopeless I was going to take my life, but you helped me heal! I know that I am just the go between for spirit, but let me tell you....being that go between feels pretty damn good! A mother that has lost her child receives communication and validation that her child is still alive (albeit not physically ) and she can now pull her self from the bed she hasn't moved from in 6 months. This work, this gift is powerful and life changing for the people I meet, and I too reap those benefits. I am healed when I bring healing to someone else. I don't understand it, and maybe I am not meant too. If I didn't have my work to distract me after my mom passed away I may have literally gone crazy. No joke! My hubby was at work, and the kids at school. I could have easily turned off the phone (well I did for about 6 weeks) permanently. But I answered those emails and calls and they...YOU..ultimately kept me functioning and eventually healed. For the first 3 months after I went back to work (after my mom lost her battle to cancer) I swear I met with a woman every day that had lost her own mom to cancer. It was so healing for me to sit across from or talk on the phone to someone that "got it". So that is why I keep plugging along while the state of Michigan tries to railroad my hubby out of his unemployment benefits! Tomorrow I will march in with angels on my/his shoulders and trust that they will give us what we are due! I won't worry about that degree, unless of course the phone quits ringing and the email inbox is empty!
Word of the day.....FAITH!!!!! Focus on it, and apply it to your life in some way. We all have our challenges. Every single one of us, and someone always has it worse. Praying each of you have inner peace, and your loved ones too!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

In the Beginning....

How exactly does one figure out they are able to "see dead people"?
I'm not sure how how others come to that conclusion, but for me it dates
back to my early childhood. My mom told me she always knew I was different.
She and her friends dubbed me an "old soul" by the time I was a year old.
Apparently I walked, talked, and potty trained at a very early age. I was
born ready to take on the world! Only they didn't realize that world would
include 2 dimensions. I would later (at the age 0f 4) take on the heavenly
realms as well as the earth plane. I always had a large group of imaginary
friends. The first time I caused my mom to choke on her coffee was when I walked
into the kitchen with my "friends" in tow and told her that Ralph says hi. I do
recall this because she was so shocked. Mom was a book worm, and getting her to
take her nose out a good syfy novel took work. The name Ralph had her immediate attention.
She grilled me on who Ralph was, and what he looked like. I told her and she said
well please tell Ralph I said hello. Later when I was older she explained to me
that Ralph was her grandfather. She shared a wonderful relationship with him, but he passed when she was a teenager. This was the first time that she knew I was different. I still had no clue. My little world was what it was, and nothing seemed unusual or special. My mom NEVER made a big deal over the details I shared with her regarding my spirit friends. I guess this is why I didn't know they were spirits! It wasn't until I was about 7 or 8 yrs. old that I realized I was somewhat different. I would share certain dreams with my mom that seemed meaningless to me, but she would be bug eyed listening to what was coming next. One night I had a dream that my grandpa died. It turned out that same day we got a phone call that he had a major stroke. He did live through the stroke, but he was in bad shape. I would have a dream that someone was coming to visit that we hadn't seen in awhile, and they would show up at our door usually within a day or so. I was a my mom's little psychic in the making! So the answer to the question how does one figure out they are a medium....well for me it was a work in progress from the age of 4. It took me many years to really allow the label of "medium" to be pasted across my forehead. But first we'll need to have a look at the teen years....tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

another quick one...

I forgot to mention a couple of things.

1. I will not use anyone's name when I am referring
to a private session that has taken place.

2. I get tons of questions about the book I wrote.
Yes, it is done. :) It is being edited, so maybe it isn't
done. haha. I will talk about the book for sure and the stages
it will go through to get published for you all to read!

3. I hope you decide to follow this sign up!

Blessings and peace,
I've never been a blogger, but I am turning over a new leaf as I head into the new year and new decade for that matter. Let's get something straight. I am not a wordy person. Meaning I get to the point quickly and easily with what I have to say. Sure I know big words. I won the spelling bee many of times during my youth, but it irritates me to no end when I try to read something informative and half the time I am wondering what the heck I am reading because the author thinks their smarter than everyone else and chooses to use words that I need to google every other paragraph. I am a straight shooter. Trying to convince someone I am an intellectual is not my forte. No mumbo jumbo from this gal!
I've decided to start a blog that my clients (past, present, and future) can follow to better understand me and the life that I live as both a medium and a somewhat normal person. I've joked for years that I could have my own reality t.v. show. It would be both informative and entertaining. It is rare that I experience a boring day. At least once a day I receive a phone call that goes like this;
(phone rings)
Me: Hello?

Caller: Hi, umm are you the girl that talks to dead people?

Me: ummm yes, that is me.

Caller: Ok, I was worried I had the wrong number.

Me: No you have the right number...I am a medium.

The call goes on back and forth between us usually to set up a one hour session so that I can connect this individual (through the gifts of mediumship) with their loved ones that have crossed over.
It is my intent through sharing with you over the next year (as that is all I am committing too right now) to help you better understand everything "medium"and more about me as a person. I so often receive wonderful emails from people that I meet (in person and over the phone) that have endless questions about me and how I do what I do. Then there are the general questions about heaven, spirits, death, paranormal, spirituality, religion, etc.
I will use this blog to kind of share my day including the experiences that I have both on and off the clock regarding my work and life. On a personal level I believe by writing this blog I will be more aware of what is happening in my life, and more conscious of the lives I get to touch day in and day out this wonderful healing gift that Creator has given me.
I hope that you'll follow along with me and we'll see what happens! I'll try my hardest to keep it light and comedic. Feel free to comment and ask questions.
Love and light,